Beyond Chess Quick Start Guide


Beyond Chess is simply chess played on a moving board. The rules are simple, but the implications are infinite and stunning.


The concept of Beyond Chess is simple: It’s chess played on a moving board. It seems simple enough, and the rules are. However, the implications an ever charging board has on the game are literally infinite. Beyond Chess is three times the strategy of chess (controlling the pieces, the squares and the rifts), yet, the three elements of the game work together like a elegant ballet of strategy and combat!

Beyond Chess board nomenclature.

Beyond Chess board nomenclature.

Let’s get started! Here are the basic rules of Beyond Chess:

  1. Board design can be set up in any configuration you would like. PRO TIP: For best gameplay, the design should be symmetrical, so each player has equal advantage at the beginning of the game. Each board design will offer new challenges and unique gameplay experiences! Placement of the chess pieces on the board can vary from board to board, too. Bobby Fischer would be very excited! You can build a board from our Board Gallery, or build one of your own, and explore the YOUniverse of chess! Beyond Chess isn’t just another chess variation, it’s EVERY variation and only limited by your imagination and how many tiles you have!

  2. Order of Play: Move a piece, then shift an unoccupied square one space. Never shift a square first. You must shift a square after moving a piece. You must move a piece to get out of check, or it’s mate!

  3. The very first move of the game, white may only move a piece, but not shift a square. Black shifts the first square, after moving a piece. There after, every turn, each player moves a piece, then shifts a square.

  4. SQUARE SHIFTING: Squares may be shifted left, right, up or down, but must always be connected to another square by a side or corner. You may only shift a square one space per turn. Squares do not shift diagonally.

  5. Knights are the only piece that can jump over a ‘rift’ (empty area with no squares.) All other pieces must play around rifts. No piece may land on a rift.

  6. GERETING: Gereting is a new special move where you can advance a pawn on its square by shifting them together. Pawns are the only piece that may Geret. You can Geret forward, left or right, but never backward. You may Geret only one space at a time and it completes your turn. You may not move another square after Gereting, since you already shift it with the pawn. You may Geret on any turn except the very first move of the game. White may not Geret on their first turn, however, black may.

  7. Castling and en passant still work as long as the squares and pieces are positioned to allow it, under basic chess rules.

That’s pretty much it! Enjoy exploring the endless possibilities, challenges and strategy Beyond Chess offers! We will be launching our online version coming very, very, very soon, followed by the relaunch of the physical boards and rift mats. Until then, cut up some card board, make your squares and start exploring Beyond Chess!

For a full demonstration of the game being played, please watch our totally cool video:

Board Theory:

Studying the manipulation of Beyond Chess squares and rifts to understand how they work together for a winning strategy.